Quick Move-in Home
22223 Nissi Beach Drive
Hockley, TX 77447
2,008 SQ FT
2 Car Garage
3 Beds
2 Baths
1 Story
Est. Completion May 2025
Pricing, features, options, amenities, floor plans, elevations, designs, materials and dimensions are subject to change without notice. Square footage and dimensions are estimated and may vary in actual construction. Pictures, videos, virtual tours, and other images are modified and representative and may depict or contain floor plans, square footages, elevations, options, upgrades, landscaping, furnishings, appliances and features that are not included as part of the home and/or may not be available in all communities. Home, pricing, features, and community information is subject to change at any time without notice or obligation. All homes are subject to prior sale. Not an offer or solicitation to sell real property. 06.24